HIFA Members: Appeal for financial contributions

3 June, 2024

Dear HIFA colleagues,

HIFA urgently needs financial support to continue our forums and other services, and to build on our record of achievements towards universal access to reliable healthcare information.

HIFA's work is more important than ever. With your support we have built a strong record of achievements since 2006 and we are now recognised as an NGO in official relations with the World Health Organization. We have just submitted exciting plans for collaboration with WHO 2025-7. But we alone are responsible for financing our operations, and it is essential that we have a resourced secretariat to continue our work and implement next steps.

We invite you to make a donation. Any amount you can afford will help see us through the present shortfall. All donations will be prominently recognised, including your logo on the HIFA home page. If you would like to make a personal donation we shall recognise you on our website list of personal donors (let me know if you prefer to be anonymous).

Please contribute via our dedicated fundraising platform: https://hifa.online-donation.co.uk/general/~my-donation

or you can pay by direct bank transfer to:

Account name: Healthcare Information For All (HIFA)

Account number: 65873036

IBAN: GB36 CPBK 089299 65873036

Bank: Co-operative Bank, UK

Sort code: 08-92-99

Thank you so much for your support. Together we can achieve universal access to reliable healthcare information.

Best wishes, Neil

HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community that brings all stakeholders together around the shared goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA has 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages and representing all parts of the global evidence ecosystem. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based nonprofit in official relations with the World Health Organization. Email: neil@hifa.org