Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize Competition

18 January, 2022

I would be very grateful if you could disseminate the following through your network.

This is an invitation to submit an essay on the key issues of the pandemic, climate justice or nuclear weapons in the Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize competition; also a chance to get published in the journal Medicine, Conflict & Survival. All details here Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize (taylorandfrancis.com) <https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/journal-prize-holdstock-piachaud-stud...

We would really value your insights, concerns and perspectives. Closing date January 31st 2022.

Write to essay-prize@medconfsurv.org for an application form. Many thanks

Marion Birch


Medicine Conflict & Survival

Medicine, Conflict and Survival: Vol 37, No 4 (Current issue) (tandfonline.com) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmcs20/current