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IAPO Voice - July 2024

1 August, 2024

IAPO co-authors BMJ editorial highlighting the recently approved resolution on social participation

We are excited to share the publication of an editorial in The BMJ [https://www.bmj.com/] that underscores global efforts to enhance participatory decision-making in health systems while exploring the significance of the World Health Organization resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being [https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_R2-en.pdf].

The resolution was recently approved at the 77th World Health Assembly (May 2024) after being put forward by Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Ecuador, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Kyrgyz Republic, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia and the United States of America.

Titled "World leaders unite to embed social participation in health systems," [https://www.bmj.com/content/386/bmj.q1460] the BMJ editorial delves into the critical role of social participation as a pressing need and fundamental right in health policy design and practices. It also discusses strategies to connect grassroots to the tree tops by amplifying the patient voice across all levels of healthcare systems.

Published in the BMJ's patient-led issue [https://www.bmj.com/content/386/8435], the editorial is co-authored by Antoine Boivin (Partnership with Patients and Communities, Université de Montréal), Dani Mothci (IAPO's CEO), Vincent Dumez (Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public), Farin Shore (Doctors of the World) and Amanda Bok (The Synergist), with the collaboration of IAPO's Board Chair Ellos Lodzeni, Ghislaine Rouly, Simon Denegri, Tessa Richards and Myriam Fournier-Tombs.

Read the BMJ editorial [https://www.bmj.com/content/386/bmj.q1460] We invite the global patient community to read the editorial and join us in promoting the importance of social participation in healthcare! Click the button below to learn more details about the BMJ editorial. Learn more [https://www.iapo.org.uk/node/15679] AI-based EczemaLess app: supporting more patients in managing Atopic Dermatitis

The EczemaLess app is designed to significantly impact the lives of patients managing Atopic Dermatitis (AD). The app uses AI technology to help users track their symptoms, understand their triggers, and manage their care routines. Additionally, it provides educational videos and insights to empower patients with the knowledge they need.

While helping people to cope with AD, the EczemaLess app underscores the importance of advancing care and leveraging technology to empower patients and caregivers.

We invite you to download, use, and share the app with your friends and family. By spreading the word, you are helping us reach more people who need support in managing their AD.

Click here [https://www.iapo.org.uk/node/15678] to learn more and click below to download the EczemaLess app!

Download Eczemaless app [http://bit.ly/3QHeow6]

Updates from the World Health Organization (WHO)

Highlights from the 10th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body

On 1 June 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) extended the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) mandate to develop an international pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response instrument. The INB has been tasked with completing this work as soon as possible, aiming to present the outcome at the 78th World Health Assembly in 2025 or at a Special Session of the WHA in 2024.

Following the extended mandate, the 10th meeting of the INB was held on 16-17 July 2024 in a hybrid format. This session included the election of new Bureau members and reviewed and approved the proposed work plan, meeting schedule, and updates. Click below to learn more and find the detailed meeting report here [https://who.canto.global/b/NMKDN].

Learn more [https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2024/07/16/default-calendar/...(inb)-for-a-who-instrument-on-pandemic-prevention--preparedness-and-response]

1st interregional meeting on the governance of the private health sector

The WHO held its first interregional meeting on the governance of the private health sector from 15-18 July 2024, in Cairo, Egypt. This landmark event gathered participants from five WHO regions to strategize on effective governance arrangements between governments and the private sector.

The meeting focused on ensuring that private sector activities align with health system objectives to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). WHO also launched new guidance on mixed health systems governance to support Member States in this initiative. Click below for more details on the meeting.

Learn more [https://www.who.int/news/item/15-07-2024-first-interregional-meeting-on-...

UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance 2024

On 26 September 2024, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) will hold a High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) during its 79th session in New York (UNGA 79). This meeting offers a platform for world leaders to collectively tackle the global threat of AMR, which endangers health, food security, and the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. UNGA 79 is planned to underscore the necessity for a unified international response to combat drug-resistant infections, transcending national borders. Click below to stay updated and learn more about the background of this meeting.

Learn more [https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2024/09/26/default-calendar/... MeDevIS: a global resource for medical device information

The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched MeDevIS (Medical Devices Information System), the first global open-access platform for medical device information. MeDevIS supports governments, regulators, and users in making informed decisions on the selection, procurement, and use of medical devices for diagnostics, testing, and treatment of diseases and health conditions. Explore MeDevIS to enhance your medical device management and improve patient care worldwide.

Learn more [https://medevis.who-healthtechnologies.org/]

Resources and opportunities

UHC2030 and CSEM Election Advocacy Guide

With elections taking place in over 70 countries in 2024, UHC2030 [https://www.uhc2030.org/] and its Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) [https://csemonline.net/] launched the Election Advocacy Guide: Getting UHC on the ballot to support health advocates in influencing political candidates and parties to prioritize UHC in their agendas. Click here [https://www.uhc2030.org/what-we-do/voices/election-advocacy-guide/] to access the guide and prepare your advocacy plan.

Also as part of the efforts to support UHC advocacy during elections, CSEM has recently hosted the Global Webinar #2: "UHC election advocacy in action: Experiences and lessons learned in countries". The webinar recording and a follow-up survey can be found by clicking on this link here [https://csemonline.net/event/global-webinar-2-uhc-election-advocacy-in-a....

Call to lead on NCDs

In preparation for the Global Week for Action on NCDs taking place on 15-22 October 2024, the NCD movement invites all to join the 2024-2025 campaign aiming at reducing the NCD burden globally and increasing health and equality. Click here [https://actonncds.org/take-action/call-to-lead-on-ncds] to read the letter and sign the call to lead on NCDs, either as an individual or an organization.

Call for patients who have experienced antimicrobial resistance

Ahead of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day on 18 November 2024, the European Patients Forum [https://www.eu-patient.eu/] is partnering with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) [https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en] and Health First Europe (HFE) to launch a new series of patient stories that emphasize the pressing issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). If you are interested in sharing your story or know of anyone who would be interested, click here [https://www.eu-patient.eu/news/latest-epf-news/2024/calling-for-patient-....

�� Upcoming events – pencil in!

23 August 20246th Webinar on Diagnostic Safety

The 6th in the series of webinars, "Empowering Patients in Diagnostic Safety" will happen on 23 August and is being promoted by DakshamA Health and Patient Academy for Innovation and Research (PAIR Academy). Free registrations are open here [https://bit.ly/3Wxtl8q].

August - October 2024WHO Regional Meetings in 2024

74th Regional Committee for Africa: 26-30 August in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

77th Regional Committee for South-East Asia: 9-12 September in Indonesia (city TBC)

76th Regional Committee for the Americas: 30 September - 4 October in Washington D.C., United States of America

71st Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean: 14-17 October in Doha, Qatar

75th Regional Committee for the Western Pacific: 21-25 October in Manila, Philippines

74th Regional Committee for Europe: 29-31 October in Copenhagen, Denmark

10-12 September 202447th World Hospital Congress

Registrations are open to IHF Rio 2024, the World Hospital Congress taking place in Rio from 10 to 12 September with pre- and post-congress activities booked for the 9 and 13 September. Click here [https://worldhospitalcongress.org/] to learn more and secure your spot!

17 September 2024World Patient Safety Day 2024

This year’s World Patient Safety Day focuses on "improving diagnosis for patient safety." Under the slogan “Get it right, make it safe,” WHO calls for efforts to reduce diagnostic errors through systems thinking, human factors, and active engagement of patients, families, health workers, and healthcare leaders.

Prepare your campaign in advance and learn more about how to participate and promote patient safety by clicking here [https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2024/09/17/default-calendar/....

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The International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations is registered in England and Wales

as charity number 1155577 and a company limited by guarantee number 08495711.

Registered office: Hounslow House, 7 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3EB, UK.