Dear "HIFAers",
I hope my message finds you well and safe!
A new IFLA book on Digital Literacy will be published by DeGruyter-Saur in the IFLA Publication Series. Some of you might be interested in the following call for chapters (deadline for proposals: March 31):
Call for Chapters – Book on Digital Literacy <>
Call for Chapters - Book on Digital Literacy Title: Libraries Empowering Society through Digital Literacy Editors: Dr Prudence Dalrymple, Ms Heather Todd, Dr Luisa Marquardt, Mr ...
Best regards.
Luisa Marquardt
IFLA Division E Deputy Chair (2021-2023)
IFLA School Libraries Section Elected Member (2017-2023) and Secretary
Director Europe for IASL (2009-2016)
ENSIL - European Network for School Libraries and Information Literacy
AIB - Coordinatrice CNBS (2020-2023)
Forum del Libro
CNBA - Coordinamento nazionale Biblioteche di Architettura
Bibliotecaria. Professione disciplinata dalla Legge n. 4/2013; Iscritta
all'Elenco Associati AIB, delibera E/2015/2195.
Dr. Luisa Marquardt
Cattedra di Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia
*Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (via Principe Amedeo, 182/a) *
*Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (via Ostiense, 234/236)*
Università degli Studi "Roma Tre"
sito web <>
HIFA profile: Luisa Marquardt teaches Library and Information Science. She is interested in literacy of different types (e.g., Media and Information, Health, Visual etc.) and the educational role of libraries in equipping their patrons with the multiple literacies needed in our challenging (and challenged), ever-changing and high-demanding societies. luisa.marquardt AT