Thanks to Bernard Seytre and Chris Zielinski,for their posts.
In terms of defining mis- dis- malinformation, fake news - 'information disorder' ...
"We therefore introduce a new conceptual framework for examining information disorder,identifying the three different types: mis-, dis- and mal-information. Using the dimensions ofharm and falseness, we describe the differences between these three types of information:
▪ Mis-information is when false information is shared, but no harm is meant.
▪ Dis-information is when false information is knowingly shared to cause harm.
▪ Mal-information is when genuine information is shared to cause harm, often by moving information designed to stay private into the public sphere."
Also interesting to consider the impact across several distinct contexts - how scale and scope inevitably changes:
COVID-19*Any* disease outbreak / non-disease specificVaccination - belief in immunizationIncreasing health literacyNutrition - diet informationknowledge translation - cultural transfer ...
Plus - from WHO -
Infodemic Management News Flash
Wednesday, 24 January 2024 | Issue #67
Featured story
Social listening is an essential part of any infodemic manager’s toolkit. While it has been common practice to employ social listening as part of businesses digital marketing strategies or brand monitoring for a long time, it has invaluable benefits to offer public health emergency response strategies by identifying and understanding the information voids, narratives, and sentiments behind conversations regarding public health issues.
But what happens when those conversations are not in English? Or in other languages that don't have the digital models and infrastructure developed to track and understand those conversations? Information ecosystems such as they are, are home to a multitude of linguistic landscapes. And often many regions have users who will navigate multiple languages within a single conversation and wider conversation topics within a thread or broader narrative. In day-to-day discourse this phenomenon, described as code-switching, is evident in a range of communities which may include minority groups, bilingual communities, or even majority groups in multi-lingual countries. Code switching can often appear in unique contexts online especially because communities may be formed across thematic subjects that span regions or even diaspora communities who use social networks to remain connected, as opposed to following strict geographic lines. Dynamics such as these add substantial layers of complexity to social listening and language analysis.Sign-up:[n.b. I hope the formatting is preserved...]
Peter Jones
Community Mental Health Nurse and Researcher
CMHT, Prescott House, Salford NW England, UK
Blogging at "Welcome to the QUAD"
HIFA profile: Peter Jones is a Community Mental Health Nurse with the NHS in NW England and a a part-time tutor at Bolton University. Peter champions a conceptual framework - Hodges' model - that can be used to facilitate personal and group reflection and holistic / integrated care. A bibliography is provided at the blog 'Welcome to the QUAD' (