Introduction: Charles Eziuzor, Nigeria - PhD funding for global health

23 January, 2022

Thank you everyone for the shared knowledge here. I am grateful. I currently seek PhD funding for Global health. Any recommendations on HICs countries are welcomed. [*see note below]

Charles Eziuzor

Health Policy Researcher

Ebonyi State.

HIFA profile: Charles Eziuzor is a scientist at the Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki in Nigeria. Professional interests: Health Policy and Systems Research, Community Mobilization and advocacy, Gender and Youth Advocate. eziuzorcharles AT

[*Note from HIFA moderator (Neil PW): Thank you Charles. This issue of funding postgraduate studies comes up often. I would like to invite other HIFA members to give general guidance on PhD funding for global health, which might be helpful for all early-career HIFA members.]