Dear all HIFA members,
Am very interested in HIFA and the scholars who posted their findings on it.
I published many articles in previous years on health and information.
Let me tell you about my career, am a lecturer in the faculty of computing and informatics and a Ph.D. fellow at Jimma University Ethiopia, and my research interest is health informatics in the rural location of the Primary level healthcare unit. The majority of the Ethiopian population are living on the rural side and their first contact is PLHC including primary hospitals and health centers. Despite this fact, there is a lack of attention from both donors and the government side in the provision of need-based health information for health professionals at PLHC.
so that, if you have any interesting work with me, please let me know
Let me share my articles with you
Bramo, Senait Samuel, Amare Desta, and Munavvar Syedda. "Acceptance of information communication technology-based health information services: Exploring the culture in primary-level health care of South Ethiopia, using Utaut Model, Ethnographic Study." Digital Health 8 (2022): 20552076221131144.
Bramo, Senait Samuel, Amare Desta Mamo, and Munavvar Syedda. "The Current State of Information Needs, Sources and Channels Used by the Health Care Providers in Primary Level Health Care, Ethiopia: Ethnographic Study." Frontiers in Health Informatics 11, no. 1 (2022): 102.
Agago, Tesfamichael Alaro, Shewatatek Gedamu Wonde, Senait Samuel Bramo, and Tsedeke Asaminew. "Simulated patient-based communication skills training for undergraduate medical students at a university in Ethiopia." Advances in Medical Education and Practice 12 (2021): 713.
Bramo, Senait Samuel, and Tesfamichael Alaro Agago. "Utilization status of electronic information sources (EIS) for HIV/AIDS care and treatment in specialized teaching hospitals of Ethiopia, 2016." Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 27, no. 5 (2017): 507-514.
Samuel, Senait, Getachew Bayissa, Selam Asaminewu, and Tesfamichael Alaro. "Electronic information sources access and use for healthcare services in governmental and non-governmental hospitals of western Oromia, Ethiopia: a cross sectional study." Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 26, no. 4 (2016): 341-350.
Alaro, Tesfamichael, Samuel Sisay, and Senait Samuel. "Implementation Level of Health Management Information System Program in Governmental Hospitals of Ethiopia." Int J Intell Inf Syst 8, no. 2 (2019): 52.
thank you a lot.
Senait Samuel Bramo
(Bsc, Msc/EDRM)
Department of Information Science
Jimma University
Natural Science building, Third floor, Room: 10
Po.Box: 378
skype: senait.pele
Phone: +251-931999592
Jimma Ethiopia
HIFA profile: Samuel Senait is a researcher at Jimma University, Ethiopia. Professional interest: health information research. senaits73 AT