Greetings, HIFA colleagues!
It’s International Group B Strep (GBS) Awareness Month! Join us as we spread GBS awareness to help prevent GBS disease and protect babies. This is an opportunity for organizations and individuals around the world to tell their stories, share information, and promote healthy outcomes for babies worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year nearly 20 million pregnant women carry group B strep. Although GBS is harmless for most pregnant individuals, it can be extremely serious when it passes to babies during pregnancy, childbirth or in the first months of life.
This year we want to focus on stories from GBS families worldwide. These stories matter and highlight the need for GBS awareness and prevention. Keep an eye out for these interactive stories by following us on social media (@groupbstrep).
Check out our July toolkit [ ] for ways you can get involved – fast facts, social media posts, resources, our awareness ribbon, and more! Our downloadable patient awareness materials are also available to help you share information. [ ]
Grateful for your help in reducing the burden of group B strep disease in babies and heartache for families worldwide!
Marti Perhach
(Ms.) Marti Perhach
Group B Strep International
+1 909 620-7214
HIFA profile: Marti Perhach is CEO/Cofounder of Group B Strep International, United States. Professional interests: Group B strep disease research and prevention, prenatal infection, One Health. Email address: marti.perhach AT