Dear HIFA colleagues
In this newsletter we share good news about our journal and its latest publications, describe a new project in response to the question our members' get asked: "what does good quality asthma care look like?" and, in case you missed it, a repeat of our announcement about new IPCRG research grants - first deadline October 2022.
Journal Impact Factor upgraded
We have just received the good news that the Impact Factor of our journal npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine ( has increased to 3.289, placing it in the top quartile of primary care journals! This constitutes a 15% increase since our ranking of 2.871 last year. Congratulations to the Editorial Team. Please see the next section for some of our most recent publications as selected by our editor.
Read more ( 2023 IPCRG Scientific Meeting
Hold the dates! IPCRG is hard at work organising our 7th Scientific Meeting. The event will take place in Central Europe and we have narrowed down the dates to either 3-5 May or 10-12 May 2023. Further details, including the city, venue and specific dates, will be announced in the near future.
This follows our successful 6th Scientific Meeting on 24-25 May 2019 in Bucharest, Romania, hosted by RespiRo, our Romanian member organisation.
IPCRG Research Prioritisation Small Grants Programme
Applications are now open for IPCRG's Research Prioritisation Small Grants! These grants are designed to boost primary care respiratory research and to address our top 10 research priorities. The first round of grants can be applied for until 30 October 2022 and the second round will close on 30 April 2023. 10 grants of up to £5,000 are being provided over these 2 rounds. The application form and further details are available here: ( Read more (
Medication Availability and Economic Barriers to Adherence in Asthma and COPD Patients in Low-Resource Settings
Factors Associated with Health Status and Exacerbations in COPD Maintenance Therapy with Dry Powder Inhalers
Age- and Gender-Based Comorbidity Categories in General Practitioner and Pulmonology Patients with COPD
[Note from HIFA moderator NPW: The original message contained the full newsletter and has been shortened for length. The full newsletter is available here: ]
With our best wishes,
Ee Ming Khoo
President IPCRG
Siân Williams
HIFA profile: Sian Williams is Chief Executive Officer at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group in the UK. Professional interests: Implementation science, NCDs, primary care, respiratory health, education, evaluation, value, breaking down silos. AT