The Lancet Commission: Time for united action on depression

8 March, 2022

The Lancet has ublished a new Lancet Commission, titled Time for united action on depression, which 'brings together leaders in economics, epidemiology, neuroscience, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, public health, and, importantly, those with lived experience of depression, to inform and positively reframe the discourse around depression'.

Below are extracts from a linked Editorial.

Why are there such insufficient and inequitable health resources for depression, and what can be done about it?... First, depression, as with mental health conditions in general, has historically been stigmatised... Second, managing depression is not always straightforward... Third, depression depends on a combination of biological, social, and psychological factors, and requires domestic policy and investment across sectors...

Governments, donors, and communities must reduce the global burden of depression through concerted action against stigma and health inequities, and increase their financial and social commitments. Together, the global community must decide to prioritise the emotional wellness of our species...


CITATION: Editorial| volume 399, issue 10328, p885, march 05, 2022

Ensuring care for people with depression

The Lancet

Published:February 15, 2022DOI:

For the WHO progress report on mental health see

Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator,