LGH: Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal (2)

29 August, 2020

There is another publication from Australian and Bangladeshi researchers who have documented the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown measures on the wellbeing of women and their families in rural Bangladesh.

Here is a link to the full-text paper:


Here’s a related quote from: https://wehi.edu.au/news/lockdowns-have-economic-and-social-costs-worlds...

“The study found that low socioeconomic families experienced a range of economic and mental health challenges during the two-month stay-at-home order, and women reported an increase in intimate partner violence.”

Best regards,

Dr Fyezah Jehan

CHIFA Profile: Fyezah Jehan is Assistant Professor Pediatrics at Aga Khan University in Pakistan. Professional interests: Teaching Paediatrics, Paediatric infectious diseases, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Community research, Proposal development.

Email: fyezah.jehan AT aku.edu