LFAM would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy festive season, however and wherever you are celebrating and a safe new year. I am sure that like all international organisations and despite the pandemic, the work has continued online to improve the lives of every human being. We can certainly thank technology for changing our world. Many thanks to the HIFA team for keeping everyone informed during these very challenging times.
Very best wishes
The two most important days in a person's life are the day they are bornand the day they realise why. (Dr Matt Morgan.)
Angela Gorman MBE
CEO Life for African Mothers,
65, Penarth Rd,
Cardiff CF10 5DL
Reg Charity 1140183
Tel: 02920343774
Mob: 07984786103
HIFA profile: Angela Gorman is a retired Senior NICU Nurse and is Chair of Life for African Mothers (formerly Hope for Grace Kodindo), a charity based in the UK. Life for African Mothers provides life-saving drugs such as magnesium sulphate and misoprostol to help reduce maternal deaths in developing countries. angelagorman AT aol.com