Measuring the global response to antimicrobial resistance, 2020–21 (2) AMR Community Exchange

17 January, 2023

Dear HIFA colleagues,

A Comment on this paper in the same issue of The Lancet Infectious Diseases concludes:

'Because of a global approach to antimicrobial resistance, we believe that the creation of a shared forum for the discussion of NAPs that includes major stakeholders and international health organisations would encourage both collaboration and the improvement of NAPs, as well as further development of the antimicrobial resistance governance score tool. Without evaluating national efforts, outcome indicators at country level, and the establishment of a collaborative global network, overcoming the unnecessary burden of antimicrobial resistance will undoubtedly fail.'

Potential for improvement in governance and national action plans to overcome antimicrobial resistance

I agree. What the authors describe is a specialised community of practice (CoP). There is in fact already a CoP on AMR, with which HIFA is collaborating: AMR Community Exchange

'The WHO AMR Community Exchange is a global online collaborative space established to enable those developing, implementing and monitoring national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to have access to prompt advice, guidance and peer support for operational challenges. It also provides space for informal peer to peer discussions on lessons learned, challenges, enablers and innovative solutions.'

I encourage all with an interest in AMR to join.

Best wishes, Neil

Joint Coordinator HIFA Project on Information for Prescribers and Users of Medicines

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator

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