mHEALTH-INNOVATE (45) Do you use your phone to search for healthcare information? track supplies? refer patients? (5) Multilingualism

28 April, 2022

Dear Michele Meltzer,

The RehApp 2.0 which we will launched on the 17th of June in an international online event consists - next to an interactive client information system - also of an information section with over 20 chapters referring to information about various types of disabilities. The Content Management System (CMS) of this web-based smartphone App has a translation function. This however is an automated (google) translate option which has become better over the past years, but in principle we are working with lots of volunteers and translation agencies to get all chapters manually translated into a number of European languages (such as French, Portuguese, Spanish) but increasingly also in other languages e.g. Nepali, Hindi, Khmer, Bahasa, Tajik, Vietnamese, Amharic, KiSwahili. It is a serious job to be done but we realise also that there is a serious need to make such information available in local languages if it is being used and understood by local people be it lay health workers or patients, clients, caregivers etc.

Huib Cornielje

Director Enablement

Editor-in-Chief DCID Journal see:

Chair: Foundation Cerebral Palsy Africa (CPA) see:

A van Leeuwenhoekweg 38 unit A16

2408AN Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands

Mobile: 0031 - 6 28485083


Skype: enablement


If the rich live more simply the poor simply can live (Dom Helder Camara)

HIFA profile: Huib Cornielje is director of Enablement, The Netherlands. Professional interests: Disability and Development - rehabilitation\ Community Based Rehabilitation Impact studies Monitoring and evaluation. h.cornielje AT