mHEALTH-INNOVATE (52) Mobile apps (4) RehApp (Rehabilitation App) (3)

29 April, 2022

Dear Huib,

Thanks, I was able to get Rehapp cerebral palsy. I am quite impressed and would love to develop something like this for rheumatology. You asked for it, here are some of my questions:

1. How did you find the App builder and how much does he/she charge? It would seem to easy to approach this person.

2. What were some of your biggest hurdles?

3. Do you think WHO would get involved??

Thanks and I look forward to the May/June announcement.

Best regards,


HIFA profile: Michele Meltzer is a rheumatologist at Thomas Jefferson University with a special interest in increasing access to rheumatology care in resource limited areas. Because of the scarcity of rheumatologists, many healthcare professionals, patients and politicians do not understand that there is a diagnosis and treatment for many diseases which cause pain, disability and even death. As president of Rheumatology for All, Inc. she has already participated in educational programs in East Africa. email: