RehApp 2.0 is a valuable digital tool for fieldworkers involved in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. We have been working on it for the past five years in collaboration with over 70 disability experts from all over the world and believe it will transform the capacity of fieldworkers to help millions of people in low and middle-income countries. RehApp 2.0 will be freely downloadable. It can be saved on both Apple and Android devices so fieldworkers can use it in the remotest of areas to work with a wide range of physical and intellectual disabilities. It contains clear information with helpful illustrations on the nature and effects of each disability, together with practical intervention options and a system for monitoring client progress.
Essential link to register for the launch on Friday the 17th of June of the new RehApp.
See you there!
Huib Cornielje
Director Enablement
Editor-in-Chief DCID Journal see:
Chair: Foundation Cerebral Palsy Africa (CPA) see:
A van Leeuwenhoekweg 38 unit A16
2408AN Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands
Mobile: 0031 - 6 28485083
Skype: enablement
If the rich live more simply the poor simply can live (Dom Helder Camara)
HIFA profile: Huib Cornielje is director of Enablement, The Netherlands. Professional interests: Disability and Development - rehabilitation\ Community Based Rehabilitation Impact studies Monitoring and evaluation. h.cornielje AT