Mothers’ knowledge of MTCT of HIV and infant feeding practices in South Sudan

10 August, 2020

The August 2020 issue of the South Sudan Medical Journal carries an article on 'Mothers’ knowledge of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV and infant feeding practices in Juba, SouthSudan'. It concludes that among the 304 HIV-infected mothers surveyed knowledge of MTCT was low and mixed feeding before six months of age was predominant. The authors recommend that HIV-infected mothers receive adequate information from counsellors regarding MTCT and exclusive breastfeeding.

Citation: LilyLejeng, Rose Opiyo Okoyo and Joyce Olenja. Mothers’ knowledge ofmother-to-child transmission of HIV and infant feeding practices in Juba, SouthSudan. South Sudan Medical Journal 2020; 13(3):79-85

CHIFA profile: Ann Burgess is a freelance Nutritionist based in Scotland, UK. She is interested in facilitating the sharing of practical nutrition information between professionals in developing countries particularly those in Africa. To this end, she has helped prepare nutrition manuals and CDROMs. She is also Editorial Advisor to the South Sudan Medical Journal at

annpatriciaburgess AT