I want to invite and inform interested members of this platform into joint efforts ongoing to logically developed education, improve the skill and knowledge of existing and new Individuals to the Practice of Traditional Medicine.
I actually got my final approval to start a training institution on traditional medicine and health Technology in September 20, 2021. Before the arrival of the approval, I have researched, consulted different curriculum and I came out with 7 different curriculums to cover some of not all segments of the type of Traditional Medicine indigenous to Nigeria.
I didn't waste the 2020 sit at home lockdown session. It really helped me to achieve.
Those were curriculums developed to cater for education, skill development and understanding when a client or case is best refferal. Being a trained Community Health Officer trained by LUTH Lagos Nigeria, and a Practitioner of Traditional Medicine, the knowledge I gained from over 30years training with my father, while now combining the Western education, skill and knowledge with traditional medicine practice, it wasn't difficult to create and develop curriculum to sharpen the Practice of Traditional Medicine suitable with today's needs.
And on 10th March 2022 the school was opened for operation with our first set of trainees. We have in the team of facilitator; a leading Professor of Forestry Management and Wild life, three Doctors of plants and forestry management, Senior microbiologist, Senior Health and Clinical officers etc
This is a self and privately funded project. We will not be dampened by any forces. We are hopeful.
Their has been so many finely designed policies to develop Traditional Medicine in Nigeria but to no avail, the fact is only professionals will celebrate and develop their profession.
Today, as we are just starting, we are happy with the future we are creating to have highly specialise traditional medicine Practitioners who understands the human anatomy and physiology, basic pathology, mental health, primary health care, simple diagnostic techniques etc and referral system.
We hope to create more enterpreneurs, creates more jobs for people, and help our society for good.
I seek your support, advice and guidance to make this a huge success.
www.ecothtech.org is the website we are currently in.
Thank you so much
HIFA profile: Owolabi Sunday Adebayo is a Health Officer (CHW) with special interest in Herbal medicine at Ilera Eda Herbal World in Nigeria. Professional interests: Trained Community Health Extension Worker, has cert in Health Administration and Mgt and a Bsc in Health Edu. Professional interest in Traditional medicine. I operate a traditional medicine center, produce Herbal medicine.... currently treating patients with High blood pressure, stroke and breast cancer. Email address: oasisofcreative AT yahoo.com