Congratulations on this new journal and I am so pleased to see the required alignment with the World Health Organization DH guidelines for reporting, and the need to register innovations on the Global Digital Health Atlas as a means of growing our community of learning and practice.
If you need reviewers for this journal - please feel free to consider if my expertise can be of value.
Kind regards,
A/Prof Zerina Tomkins
PhD (TissEng), MNSc, BAppSci (Hons) BAppSc (MLS), GradCert (HigherEd), RN,
Affiliate Senior Research Fellow, Department of General Medicine, Royal
Children’s Hospital Melbourne
Group leader: Digital Health, Climate Change & Sustainable Healthcare
Managing Editor: Contemporary Nurse
Monash University
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health
Sciences & Victorian Heart Institute
Room 3.07, Level 3, Building 13D
35 Rainforest Walk, Clayton Campus
Clayton, VIC 3800 Australia
T:+61 3 9905 0819
E:* <>*
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Twitter: @TomkinsZerina
I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I live and work, the peoples of the Kulin Nation. I recognise their continuing connection to knowledge, land, water and community. I pay my respect to
Elders past and present.
HIFA profile: Zerina Tomkins is a Researcher at Monash University, Australia. Professional interests: Maternal and child health; Digital health; Climate change mitigation and adaptation. Email: zerina.tomkins AT