A new HIFA project: Communicating health research to support evidence-informed policymaking (3)

19 May, 2022

Dear HIFA colleagues,

We look forward to launch a new thematic discussion on HIFA on 27 June, supported by TDR at WHO.

Please retweet and invite your colleagues and contacts to join HIFA:


"We are thrilled to launch a new project with @TDRnews @WHO COMMUNICATING HEALTH RESEARCH for evidence-informed policymaking http://bit.ly/3NjspNq Join #HIFA #globalhealth forum http://hifa.org/joinhifa #healthinfo4all #healthresearch"

There are limited places for HIFA volunteers to help on the project working group. Contact me: neil@hifa.org

Best wishes, Neil

Joint Coordinator, HIFA Communicating health research


Let's build a future where every person has access to reliable healthcare information and is protected from misinformation - Join HIFA: www.hifa.org

HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is global coordinator of the HIFA global health movement (Healthcare Information For All - www.hifa.org ), a global community with more than 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting on six global forums in four languages in official relations with WHO. HIFA brings stakeholders together to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information.

Twitter: @hifa_org neil@hifa.org