New: Pill-oriented contraceptive teaching videos (2)

8 January, 2022

Are the videos short enough to be shared on smart phones with WhatsApp? [*see note below]

An untold high number of African women and men use WhatsApp.  Many who cannot afford a new smart phone are able to buy a second hand smart phone in the market.

Susan B. Aradeon

HIFA profile: Susan B Aradeon is an International Consultant, Social and Behavior Change Communication, in the USA. Professional interests: community communication integrated with mobilization, Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Reproductive and Sexual Health, including Adolescents. Susan led the development and scaled up implementation of Community Communication—a health promotion approach based on empowering community volunteer health promoters and community members to become the communicators reaching deep into their own communities. Innovative communication body tools and rapid entertainment education tools empower health workers, community volunteers and health session participants to become community communicators regardless of their literacy level or social status. The Community Communication MNCH e-Manual: Participatory Health Sessions and the associated Job Aids serve as an implementation guide for trainers. Susan advocates for expansion of the SDG3. Skilled Birth Attendant strategy to include safer home deliveries and rural community mobilization for timely emergency evacuation on behalf of the over 100 million women who will continue to deliver at home in the near and intermediate term. More background information is freely available on Linkedin. saradeon AT

[*Note from HIFA moderator (Neil PW): I have checked the wesbite and there is a video on the Contraceptive Pill for Health Workers and a second video for women and partners. Both are 8 minutes long. The URLs of videos can of course be easily shared on WhatsApp, but would require an internet connection to access. Perhaps Deborah (Van Dyke) can say a bit more about distribution of these videos.]