New technical briefs from a Senegalese health service strengthening project

21 January, 2022

Dear colleagues,

I'm pleased to share three new technical briefs from the USAID-funded Neema project.

- Tutorat: A Comprehensive Apprroach to Empowering Health Care Providers and Their Facilities in Senegal

- Honing the Enhanced Peer Outreach Approach to Increase HIV Testing Yield Among Key Populations in Senegal

- Analysis of Gender-RRelated Inequalities and Discrimination in the Health Sector in Senegal: Toward Effective Human Resources Management

The project strengthened health services and made them accessible to more people - especially women and children - in seven regions of Senegal. You can find copiees of the briefs in English and French here:



HIFA profile: Katelyn Bryant-Comstock is Senior Knowledge Management Specialist at IntraHealth International in the USA. Email address: kbryant-comstock AT