Dear colleagues and partners,
With apologies for another post so soon, but it's an exciting time right now. This is the second of three NIHR 'London buses', with the third and possibly biggest coming next week!
Please can you promote this new funding call through your newsletters and networks:
NIHR Global Health Policy and Systems Research call 3 launched to fund projects and consortia
The Global Health Policy and Systems Research (Global HPSR) programme funds research to improve access to appropriate and affordable health services aligned with the aims of Universal Health Care and Sustainable Development Goal 3.
This week, NIHR launches a new call for applied health policy and systems research to fund:
Projects - applied health policy and systems research projects up to £1m for up to three years
Consortia - broad ambitious programmes of health policy and systems research and capacity strengthening delivered through a consortium of partners up to £4m for up to five years
The closing date for the Global HPSR call is 15 March 2023
Read full details and apply on our website Global Health Policy and Systems Research | NIHR
We will also be sharing this opportunity on Twitter @NIHRglobal and other platforms, so would be grateful for your engagement.
Best regards,
Patrick Wilson
Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement | National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
t. +44 7468 758014 | e. @NIHRglobal Patrick Wilson
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HIFA profile: Patrick Wilson is Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), UK . Professional interest: Global health research. @NIHRglobal patrick.wilson AT