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Novel Coronavirus (3)

9 February, 2020

Dear Mitsunobu

I agree with you.

Now, the WHO treats this infection as phase 5. But I think that the phase will soon become the pandemic phase 6.

When it becomes phase 6, we should treat this infection at selected medical centres i.e, middle-size hospitals in each small area. I think that it will be a similar system of the Swine Flu. We have this helpful experience.

The important thing is that the information on this infection should be based on science and the evidence.

Lancet gives us a piece of useful information.


Panic or fake news always discriminates against minor ethnic groups or socio-economic vulnerable people.

We have to advocate for them!

Kind regards,


CHIFA Profile: Hajime Takeuchi is a professor at the Bukkyo University in Japan. Professional interests: child health, child poverty, child wellbeing. takechanespidATgmail.com He is a CHIFA Country Representative for Japan http://www.hifa.org/support/members/hajime