Novel Coronavirus (4) COVID19 in Japan

27 February, 2020

Dear Hajime,

At the moment the panic is bigger in Hungary than the objectives facts. The only infected Hungarians were just in Japan ship. We already have 20 patents in quarantine from endemic region from Italy without positive result, what is lucky. Normally flue spread in wide territory at the same time. This is the natural way of spreading. This epicentric apparance is very strange, not

usual at all. Or it is really more frequent just as you told...

Best wishes, Dóra Scheiber

CHIFA profile: Dora Scheiber is a Paediatrician and GP in Hungary. Professional interests: Pediatrics, early development, early intervention, child safety, child maltreatment, vaccination, nutrition. She is an expert on early intervention and maltreatment. Member of management of Association of Pediatric Primary Care, member of management of Association of School Health, member of management of primary pediatric care of division of Medical Chamber. scheiber.dora AT