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ORS/Zinc Playbook launched

2 November, 2020

Dear HIFA-Zambia

I wanted you all to know that the ColaLife Playbook has finally been published. This is a completely open access document in which users can place comments or ask questions.

It is based on our experience in Zambia (thank you Zambia) and it's aimed at anyone who wants to increase access to ORS and Zinc for the treatment of diarrhoea in children and doesn't want to start from scratch. The playbook comes with a commitment from ColaLife to support playbook users through the playbook itself. Please see our blog post on how to use it and how we will support it: https://www.colalife.org/2020/10/28/the-colalife-playbook-launches-today...

The challenge now is to reach the people who might be able to use it. Please spread the word! It would be particularly helpful if you could post this link on your LinkedIn or Facebook account.

With best wishes


Simon Berry

co-founder and ceo | ColaLife [https://colalife.org/] | Ashoka Fellow

mobile/whatsapp: +44 7932 107109 | skype: sxberry | Zoom Room


Playbook logo v2 85 x 85.jpg

*NEW* The ColaLife Playbook https://www.colalife.org/2020/10/28/the-colalife-playbook-launches-today...

ColaLife Documentary now available to stream (38 mins) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thecolaroad

HIFA profile: Simon Berry is the CEO for ColaLife in the U.K and Zambia. Professional interests: Innovation ORS / Zinc Child Health. simon AT colalife.org