Dear Hifa colleagues,
Once again, the Pierre Fabre Foundation is launching a call for projects to identify and support innovations that contribute to improving access to healthcare in the Africa/Asia region (see below). You have until February 20 to register your project in the Global South eHealth Observatory and will then be asked to share more specific information regarding your application.
The Global South E-Health Observatory launches call for projects 2023
The Pierre Fabre Foundation is launching a new opportunity to support innovative projects in Asia and Africa.
Project leaders using information and communication technologies to improve access to quality care and medicines in developing countries are invited to submit their applications by completing the online form before February 20.
The shortlisted projects will be referenced in the Global South eHealth Observatory:
The Observatory's expert committee will then select the most relevant projects. Laureates will receive a prize as well as financial aid and technical support for a period of one year. Since its creation, the Observatory has granted support to 33 laureates.
The awards ceremony will take place during the 7th annual conference of the Observatory, which will be held on 28 September 2023 at the Pierre Fabre Foundation headquarters in Lavaur (France).
More information <
Best regards,
Maxime Collin
Domaine d'En Doyse
Route de Saint Sulpice
81500 LAVAUR