Please help - NIHR Global Health Research website consultation

12 November, 2023

Dear HIFA colleagues,

We’re currently conducting user research on our Global Health pages on the NIHR website.

Between now and the end of November, our partner agency, CDS, are conducting 1:1 interviews over Teams or Zoom.

We are still seeking participants in the general category of 'health practitioners and policy stakeholders' - especially in LMICs and working for international organisations (WHO etc.). I know there are many such folk on the HIFA list, and we would be very grateful if you can help.

Please either email me, or better still complete this two-minute form to indicate your availability and tell us about your role:

Thanks to all those who have volunteered to help so far.

Best regards,


Patrick Wilson

Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement

National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

�� +44 7468 758014 �� �� @NIHRglobal ��

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HIFA profile: Patrick Wilson is Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), UK . Professional interest: Global health research. @NIHRglobal patrick.wilson AT