Please help shape the Scientific Evidence Code System – a standard terminology for communicating science

4 January, 2022

Research results are often confusing, unclear, imprecise, misinterpreted and misapplied.

We invite you to join an open effort to define terms for the expression of study design, statistics, and risk of bias used across the communication of science.

The terminology we are creating (Scientific Evidence Code System) can be used to make primary research and systematic reviews faster to develop, share, understand, implement, and re-use. You can read more about the project at

Your involvement can be as simple as viewing proposed definitions and voting to agree or disagree. You can join the voting group at, view any of the terms at, and view any terms open for vote at

You are also welcome to join any of 4 meetings per week as working groups adjust the definitions.

Brian S. Alper, MD, MSPH, FAAFP, FAMIA

CEO, Computable Publishing LLC

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President, Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation

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HIFA profile: Brian S. Alper is President of the Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation, United States. Professional interests: All about making science computable: CEO of Computable Publishing LLC, President of Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation, Project Lead of COVID-19 Knowledge Accelerator, Project Lead of

EBMonFHIR, Founder of

Email address: balper AT