Dear HIFA Colleagues,
I may be asking the impossible but does anyone please have a 'blueprint' for establishing an antenatal ward in a remote, rural setting? What are the essentials? What services should such a unit be able to provide? (Health promotion? Tests? Procedures?)
Chitambo Hospital, Central Provonce, Zambia, has requested help with establishing such a unit. Currently, pre and postnatal mothers are mixed together or spilling over into other wards.
We are writing a grant proposal and have detailed the problems and needs. However, the potential funders (Rotary) have requested a 'framework' for antenatal services. Does anyone please have an example of such a thing they could share with us or have advice they could offer?
Thank you.
Kindest regards
Dr. Jo Vallis, Chair
FRIENDS OF CHITAMBO SCIO, Registered Charity No. SC044337
_Working Towards a Healthier Chitambo District_
Mobile telephone number: +44(0)7791262918
Skype: jandrval24
web address: [1] [1]
Facebook page: [2]
HIFA profile: Jo Vallis is a Medical Sociologist with a general and paediatric nurse/nurse teaching background. She is Chair of Scottish registered charity, Friends of Chitambo SCIO, which supports health projects in Chitambo District, central Zambia: web address:;
Facebook page:
She is Project Lead for a Scottish Government funded project on ‘Strengthening emergency care communications in Chitambo District, central Zambia’, now in its 3rd 2-year funding round.
Jo recently retired from her post as Research Officer within NHS Education for Scotland (NES), in order to continue the work with Chitambo in a voluntary capacity.
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