Dear Neil
Thank you for this. However, the Request for Proposals says innovators must be invited by Grand Challenges Canada to submit an application. Unsolicited applications will not be considered for funding. I am writing to Neil at HIFA to ask you we should get invited. Do you know how we could get invited?
Best wishes
HIFA profile: Stewart Britten is advisor to the British NGO, HealthProm, on its project to reduce maternal and child deaths in Northern Afghanistan. He has worked for the reduction of institutionalisation of babies and small children in Russia by introduction of parent support programmes. stewart.britten AT
[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Thank you Stweart, indeed towards the bottom of the page it says: "Innovators must be invited by Grand Challenges Canada to submit an application for Transition to Scale funding. Unsolicited applications will not be accepted or considered for funding." [ ] My reading is that this is therefore a non-starter for most of us. However, perhaps other HIFA members may be familiar with Grand Challenges Canada and can advise?]