Research paper: Using electronic patient records - defining learning objectives for undergraduate education, Pontefract and Wilson 2019

30 September, 2022

Six key domains are recommended by this national working group convened to integrate electronic patient records (EPRs) into undergraduate education.

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Six key domains of competence and associated learning competences were identified and define. External expert review provided iterative refinement and refinement. The agreed domains were

1. Digital Health: work as a practitioner in the digital care environment;

2. Accessing data: access and interpret patient data to inform clinical decision making;

3. Communication: communicate effectively with healthcare professionals and patients in the digital environment;

4. Generating data: generate data for and about patients within the EPR;

5. Multidisciplinary working: work with healthcare professionals with and alongside EPRs;

6. Monitoring and audit: monitor and improve the quality and safety of healthcare.


HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data

Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT