Warmest wishes to our Quality of Care family
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2023 Quality of Care (QOC) Unit activity highlights:
Engaged with regions and countries in the development of national policies and strategies [https://www.who.int/teams/integrated-health-services/quality-health-serv... for QOC and support its planning and implementation [https://qualityhealthservices.who.int/quality-planning-guide/home].
Developed new approaches and strengthened implementation of the community engagement for quality [https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/universal-health-coverage/....
Contributed to the development of the BMJ Collection on Quality of Care Delivering Quality Care to Everyone, Everywhere, at All Times. The collection [https://www.bmj.com/qualityofcare], provides critical thinking on the emerging priorities and unfinished agenda for improving quality of care in low- and middle-income countries. The recording of the launch is available here [https://who-gll.ch.hivebrite.com/networks/events/4551/page/recording].
Facilitated WHO Global Quality Rounds: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) & Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services – The Foundations of Quality Care. Inspiration and ambition from actions [https://who-gll.ch.hivebrite.com/networks/events/3400?tab=webinar-record... explores the links between IPC and WASH in communities and health facilities, and focuses on the critical role of cleaning staff in keeping hospitals and health facilities safe. It also includes an update on current global priorities and commitments on IPC and WASH, and presents WHO's new training resources [https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240051041] for environmental cleaners.
Quality of Care in Health Partnerships: Inspiration and ambition through collaboration [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvtvczLVhkE&feature=youtu.be] explores the catalytic role of health partnerships working together for shared vision, motivation, planning, and action to help improve quality in health systems.
Upgraded the WHO Health Services Learning Hub (HLH) 2.0 platform [https://hlh.who.int/]. The WHO HLH, which initially focused on maintaining essential health services during COVID-19, has evolved to focus on strengthening health services beyond the pandemic.
Updated the WHO Quality of Care Toolkit [https://qualityhealthservices.who.int/quality-toolkit/qt-home], a curated portal that provides access to all WHO QOC tools aiming to improve the quality of health services.