Self introduction: Laura Wood

19 June, 2020

Dear CHIFA colleagues,

Many thanks for the warm welcome to your organisation.

As a brief introduction, my name is Laura Wood and I am a UK based paediatrician with special interest in child and family modern slavery. I am currently an Economic & Social Research Council studentship award holder at Lancaster University where I am researching child modern slavery and health using a social paediatric, child rights based approach. I am the child and family modern slavery lead for the expanding organisation VITA (, Twitter @VITA_Network) that aims to advance the health response to modern slavery through training of clinicians (including simulation training), advocacy and research. VITA has a great relationship with the leads of HEAL Trafficking in the USA (very worth connecting with if you are engaged with or interested in modern slavery and health work). I have the privilege of holding advisory roles with the NHS Modern Slavery Network and a number of national policy influencing groups. My additional interests include child rights based approaches to child health, migrant health, trauma and recovery at individual and community level. In my free time – raising two great little girls, working on my trail running and looking forward to some travelling again at some point!

If you would like to connect further please feel free to find me on twitter @DrLauraCN or via contact details in my profile. It would be super to hear from you.

Thanks for the provision of excellent resources and your ongoing work in this field.


CHIFA profile: Laura C N Wood is a Paediatrician with special interest in child & family modern slavery at Lancaster University and VITA Training Ltd (Modern Slavery & Health) in the United Kingdom. Professional interests: Child Abuse, Trauma & Recovery. Child & Family Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking. Migrant Health. Genocide & Community Recovery. Racism & Health. Email address: laura.wood AT