Dear Friends,
I want to share this tool developed by us for the purpose of "Early Detection of Risk of Pneumonia in Adults with Flu like symptoms during COVID pandemic" and later on we added the component of "Early Detection of Risk of Pneumonia in Children with flu like symptoms (may it be due to COVID or other causes)" as we found delay in reaching to hospital is a major cause of death due to pneumonia.
Shwaas is a tool designed to help "trained" frontline workers/community volunteers and caregivers to screen and triage patients with Flu-like symptoms. The app helps to decide whether a child or adult with Flu-like symptoms can be managed at home without consulting a doctor (Green), needs consultation (Yellow) or needs admission and detailed work up at a hospital (Red). This App is being used by our Health Workers for almost an year now.
App Algorithm:
For Adults, App uses, screening for danger sign, symptoms, breath count with easy to use built-in breath counter, actual or proxy for blood pressure and pulse oximetry (if available), 6 minute walk test to detect happy hypoxia and presence of known comorbidities.
For children, App uses screening for danger sign, symptoms, breath count with easy to use built-in breath counter, capillary refill and pulse oximetry (if available) and presence of signs of undernutrition.
This could especially benefit communities via organisations/groups training them about how to use the app.
Link for more details and App download:
Gajanan Phutke
HIFA Profile: Gajanan is a Physician at Jan Swasthya Sahyog Ganiyari in India. Professional interests: Public health, rural health, tuberculosis. Email address: gajananphutke AT