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Snakebite in South Sudan

14 December, 2020

Can you tell me if the post (see below) will be accepted for the HIFA and CHIFA fora? Why are there so few items this week? I hope it is not due to covid.Best wishesAnn

On Wednesday, 9 December 2020, 15:39:28 GMT, Ann Burgess <annpatriciaburgess@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:


The November 2020 issue of the South Sudan Medical Journal carries two items on snakebite in South Sudan. The editorial raises concern about the number of fatal snakebites in the country and urges all parties to ramp up efforts toimprove snakebite programmes. The main item from MSF describes their programme in the Abyei region and includes the MSF Agok Snakebite syndromic classification. 

Citations: Editorial.Snakebite is a neglected medical emergency in South Sudan. South Sudan Medical Journal 2020; 13(4):130  http://www.southsudanmedicaljournal.com/assets/files/Journals/vol_13_iss...

Said et al.  Perspectives from MSF snakebite programme Implementation in Agok, Abyei region, SouthSudan.  South Sudan Medical Journal 2020; 13(4):146-152.  http://www.southsudanmedicaljournal.com/assets/files/Journals/vol_13_iss...

CHIFA profile: Ann Burgess is a freelance Nutritionist based in Scotland, UK. She is interested in facilitating the sharing of practical nutrition information between professionals in developing countries particularly those in Africa. To this end, she has helped prepare nutrition manuals and CDROMs. She is also Editorial Advisor to the South Sudan Medical Journal at www.southernsudanmedicaljournal.com

annpatriciaburgess AT yahoo.co.uk