Dear Neil,
To answer your question
"How can policymakers and decision-makers be supported to assess all available evidence (including national/local evidence) while avoiding undue influence by specific, cherry-picked evidence?"
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One of the approaches could be that “for policy-makers to base their decisions on produced information/intelligence, the latter should be reliable, linked to available evidence, easily accessible by all interested parties, and “repackaged” for specific target audience”, “strong monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems with management response” (this is one of the results of mine recent review of the experience of the Nordic countries in governance for global health” (
HIFA profile: Irina Ibraghimova is an independent consultant with a PhD. in library sciences and more than 20 years’ international experience in ICT for health projects. She now serves as a Co-editor for the International Journal of Health Governance (Emerald Publishing). Professional interests: Information and health literacy, evidence-based practice, science communication and medical journals editing. She is a HIFA country representative for Croatia: