Dear Maria
Thank you for your response and highlighting these examples [ ]. My take-away is that it is quite important to have a broad and open-mind about the different ways in which civil society is able to participate and that mechanisms/structures implemented in one setting might not yet have been thought about in another. Moreover, with respect to conducting a review on this topic, keeping in mind that a lot of participation is happening/have happened through structures, for example in the context of decentralization, that have matured over time, and being vary [?wary] that peer-reviewed + retrievable grey literature is unlikely do full justice to the various "promising practices" that exist.
During our work we've come across this resource - Participedia - that is worth having a look at: Their mission is "to strengthen and mobilize knowledge about participatory democratic innovations throughout the world."
Best wishes
HIFA profile: Unni Gopinathan is a Senior Scientist aat Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway. Unni is joint coordinator of the HIFA working group on SUPPORT-SYSTEMS: How can decision-making processes for health systems strengthening and universal health coverage be made more inclusive, responsive and accountable?
Email: Unni.Gopinathan AT