Telling truth to power (2) Cancer care in LMICs

14 November, 2022

Good day Mark Lodge

Thank you for your message and pointing out the critical fact that cancer is a neglected pandemic in which:

" person dies from cancer every 4.5 seconds in the low and middle income countries and 8 out of 10 of those deaths occur without any effective pain relief."

At the recently concluded World Cancer Congress it was clear that the global challenges in cancer care are universal and a global paradigm shift is required in how we tackle NCDs and especially cancer.

The same level of attention given to communicable diseases should be given to NCDs including cancer if we are to go anywhere near the attainment of Universal Health Coverage and attain the Sustainable Development Goals.


Venus Mushininga

Program Manager, Non Communicable Diseases

Ministry of Health and Child Care

Fourth street/Central Avenue

P O BOX CY 1122

Causeway Harare

Phone +2634798554/60

Mobile +263783182249

Skype id : Venus Mushininga

HIFA profile: Venus Mushininga is a pharmacist with the Ministry of Health and Childcare in Zimbabwe. She is a founder and President of the Zimbabwe Society of Oncology Pharmacy and the Zimbabewan delegate to the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy. Professional interests: Oncology, Dissemination of information through to Health Professionals and the public, Research. She is co-coordinator of the HIFA working group on information for Prescribers and Users of Medicines.


Email: vmushininga AT