Tobacco (7) New HIFA discussion: Meeting information needs for tobacco control

5 January, 2023

Dear HIFA colleagues,

In February (date tbc) we shall be implementing an in-depth discussion (here on HIFA) on Tobacco, exploring the diverse information and learning needs of the public, health workers, and policymakers. This includes, for example, public awareness of the dangers of smoking, and knowledge among health workers about how to prevent smoking and help people to quit.

We are convening a formidable working group which includes two world experts on tobacco control. The group's role is to articulate the questions; publicise the discussion to all with an interest in tobacco control; and contribute as individuals to the forum discussions. The commitment is limited to two or three short virtual meetings plus group email comms.

If you would like to join the working group, please send me an email - - with a brief description of why you would like to join.

More information about the project is available here:

Best wishes, Neil

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator

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