Tobacco (76) Q5. What are the pros and cons of vaping? (4)

27 March, 2023

Dear HIFA colleagues,

Here is another message from our sister forum CHIFA (child health and rights)


Hello from Brazil and completely agree with Dr Joseph Ana There are NO pros for vaping, none indeed and just whatever "glamour" from the tobacco industries and all the drug dealers behind the Internet and "digital world" of e-vaping, as it is not only nicotine but also sometimes cocaine oils and all aromatizants that are added and are not only the cause for addiction but also lung and carcinogenic future problems. The drug industries "exploit" children and adolescents and need "new consumers" for their own profits!

Best regards, Evelyn Eisenstein, MD Associate Prof of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

CHIFA profile: Evelyn Eisenstein, Diretora da Clínica de Adolescentes e do CEIIAS (Centro de Estudos Integrados, Infância, Adolescência e Saúde) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CHIFA member evelynbrasil AT



Best wishes Neil (moderator)