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toilet training (2)

4 March, 2021

Dear Hajime

I have always thought that the word ‘Training' was poor and misleading, referring to the development of continence. I don’t know what word is used in Japanese. In English “Training" implies a trainer with special knowledge and skill. It also implies a start date and a program with a sequence and timetable. It is not child centred;

No one talks about 'walking training’ or 'speech training’ but we all as parents encourage walking and talking without a thought. And mostly people do a great job. Just like with walking and talking there are rarely factors in the child that alter the rate of development. Sometimes these factors are medical and that is where paediatricians can be useful in pinpointing a problem or confirming the lack of pathology. Very rarely the factors are within the parents and that is another story

The kindergarten entrance requirement touches on the attitude of early years providers to inclusion, individual needs and disability. It is a children’s rights issue.

Perhaps with smaller families, Increased family isolation and distance from extended family and Covid shut down; parents do not have the self confidence and access to advice they might have had in the past.

There are many very good small leaflets published in England about the common issues of childhood development. I presume these are all available in Japanese

In the end a conversation with the family will usually allow the paediatrician and family together sort out the nature of the problem and solutions.

tom Hutchison

CHIFA profile Tom Hutchison has been a Paediatrician for more than 40 years, He trained in USA and UK then worked in general and community paediatrics in UK with a focus on disability. After a London Diploma in Tropical Medicine he has worked in Palestine, Tajikistan, DRC, Sierra Leone and South Sudan. He is a co-moderator for CHIFA. He is also a musician, master athlete, and grandparent.

Email tomphutchATgmail.com