Towards early child cancer diagnosis in Senegal (2)

27 February, 2022

Thanks you CHIFA for highlighting this. Accurate diagnosis is the essential prerequisite for the proper management of a cancer patient. The Alliance Mondiale Contre Le Cancer@ (AMCC) Diagnostic Assistance Program is implementing approaches to improve the diagnostic process within Senegal, and several other African countries including Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Benin, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, and Tunisia. HIFA members can find out more at and contact AMCC at @AllianceMondialeContreLeCancer

Best regards,

Mark Lodge

CHIFA Profile: Mark Lodge is Director of Programme Development at the International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research, Oxford, UK. The INCTR is dedicated to helping to build capacity for cancer treatment and research in countries in which such capacity is presently limited, and thereby to create a foundation on which to build strategies designed to lessen the suffering, limit the number of lives lost, and promote the highest quality of life for children and adults with cancer in these countries, and to increase the quantity and quality of cancer research throughout the world.

Email: mlodge AT