Two new HIP Strategic Planning Guides: Contraceptive Method Introduction & Adolescent and Youth Engagement in Sexual and Reproductive Health

25 March, 2022

Dear colleagues,

The HIP Partnership recently released two new Strategic Planning Guides. Please find the information below.

The HIP Partnership is pleased to announce the newest product: Contraceptive Method Introduction to Expand Choice, A Strategic Planning Guide. This Guide is intended to lead program managers, planners, national policy makers, and other stakeholders through a strategic process to coordinate the introduction of contraceptive methods through public and private access channels. The guide was developed through consultation with technical experts and summarizes guidance from key resources for method introduction

It provides an overview and links to other resources for more depth and detail. Successful contraceptive introduction efforts typically include seven elements. These elements are not listed as linear steps because the process is often iterative; revisiting and adapting approaches is often necessary to set the stage for scale-up.

Read the Strategic Planning Guide

The HIP Partnership is pleased to announce the release of its newest product: Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement and Partnership in Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming: A Strategic Planning Guide<

This Strategic Planning Guide is intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision makers through a strategic process to meaningfully and effectively engage and partner with adolescents, youth, and/or youth-led organizations on sexual and reproductive health programs and initiatives. Meaningful adolescent and youth engagement and partnership is a right for adolescents and youth and can improve the quality and responsiveness of sexual and reproductive health programs and policies, in turn leading to improved development outcomes.

Read the new Strategic Planning Guide here.

Natalie Apcar, MSc (she/her)

Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS


Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

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Baltimore, MD 21202


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HIFA profile: Natalie Apcar is Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS, JHU CCP, United States. Email: natalie.apcar AT