Type 2 Diabetes What Can Children Do (3)

13 December, 2022

Hello Claire,

I am just thinking, if we want to highlight Type 2 DM in children should we include type I and gestational DM on the poster? Yes, the children need to know about them but are we not overloading them with messages? More importantly, what would be our definition of children? Some of the language is simple and straight and there are some parts that , I feel, are a bit deep (for instance, the concept of " insulin resistance ").

All in all , the poster is quite informative.

thank You


CHIFA profile: George Mshanga is a medical officer working in rural Botswana at Gweta Primary Hospital. He is always on the lookout for information on paediatrics and child health as his job, among other duties, also involves treating paediatric patients.

Email: mshanga AT hotmail.comGeorge Mshanga is a medical officer working in rural Botswana at Gweta Primary Hospital. He is always on the lookout for information on paediatrics and child health as his job, among other duties, also involves treating paediatric patients.

Email mshanga AT hotmail.com