Update on SDG 4.2.1 and Early Childhood Development for Children Under 5 years

27 February, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

The following commentary published today (early online) in the Lancet Global Health may be of interest to those working on early childhood development.


The United Nations Statistical Commission will be meeting next week to consider a revised SDG 4.2.1 that excludes children under 24 months for reasons stated in the commentary.

With best wishes Bola

CHIFA profile: Bolajoko Olusanya is a Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (UK), the Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (Faculty of Paediatrics), and holds a doctorate in Child Health from University College London, UK. Her broad clinical and research interests include the social and clinical determinants of adverse perinatal health outcomes and promotion of optimal early childhood development. She is currently the Executive Director of The Centre for Healthy Start Initiative, an Organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, based in Lagos, Nigeria. She also runs a private clinic for persons with hearing difficulty. boolusanya AT aol.com