Hi Neil
Good news about the WHO - HIFA draft Collaboration Plan 2025-2027. [ https://www.hifa.org/dgroups-rss/update-towards-universal-access-reliabl... ]
We are trying to support the WHO Knowledge Action Portal on NCDs https://knowledge-action-portal.com/en and also the Communities - in particular for us, as a respiratory-interested organisation - the GARD community
It needs to get better known so please do share as if it is more used it will become more valuable.
Meanwhile, here is our latest work on providing information for people living with COPD, the eighth leading cause of poor health worldwide (measured by disability-adjusted life years) according to WHO.
It uses a digital magazine format to embed videos that have been curated by IPCRG and an academic partner, Teesside University. Issue 1 focuses on breathing well, moving more, living better and is in 9 languages. Issue 2 focuses on eating well, sleeping well and feeling well and is in English, with more languages to follow. It also embeds videos specially commissioned by IPCRG self-produced by people living with COPD in the form of a daily video diary.
Best wishes for 2025
HIFA profile: Sian Williams is Chief Executive Officer at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group in the UK. Professional interests: Implementation science, NCDs, primary care, respiratory health, education, evaluation, value, breaking down silos.
sian.health AT gmail.com