Dear HIFA colleagues,
We have an urgent need for community engagement and involvement (CEI) reviewers in LMICs to help us to review research proposals for our Global Health Research Groups funding call.
We are looking for people with personal experience of a disease, condition or services as a patient, carer or community member living in low and middle income countries (LMICs) to help us to review research proposals for our Global Health Research Groups funding call.
We would also like to hear from people who have relevant experience or expertise in engaging communities in low and middle income countries.
Please note, these roles are compensated (i.e paid) for anyone not otherwise funded by a UK public body or Higher Education Institute.
To find out more, please email our friendly CEI team *by this Friday 10 March*. I know this is really short notice, but we would appreciate any help!
NIHR’s vision and goals for community engagement and involvement in global health research
NIHR champions the involvement of LMIC communities in all aspects of the research we fund, to improve its reach, quality and impact. Enabling patients and communities to have a genuine voice in global health research - from the funding process to study design, delivery and dissemination - is essential to achieving our ambition for long-term research impact and changing lives. We include community members and CEI experts in our research funding activities by asking representatives to join our funding committees and to review applications.
Best regards,
*Patrick Wilson*
*Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement*
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
*��* +44 7468 758014 �� �� @NIHRglobal
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HIFA profile: Patrick Wilson is Head of Global Health Communications & Stakeholder Engagement at the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), UK. Professional interest: Global health research. @NIHRglobal patrick.wilson AT