[Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): I think the event is on-site in Geneva and not streamed, and have emailed Eric to check.]
We invite you to the free screening of the documentary film "Making Pandemics”
To understand everything about the origin of pandemics
Wednesday, May 4 at 6 pm Geneva
In the framework of the Geneva Health Forum, a screening of the documentary film "The Factory of Pandemics" will be organized as a preview on Wednesday, May 4 at 6 pm.
Admission is free and open to all.
The film is available in English and French
The screening will take place at the Geneva International Conference Center, 17 rue de Varembé.
Since the year 2000, humanity is confronted with at least one new infectious disease per year. SARS, Ebola, Lassa fever or Covid-19: all these emerging diseases are zoonoses, diseases transmitted by animals to humans.
The factors behind these recurrent epidemics are now well known: deforestation, extreme weather conditions and urbanization. All these activities hinder or destroy the life of ecosystems, which pushes pathogens hosted since the dawn of time by rodents, bats or primates, to "come out of the woodwork" and infect and contaminate human populations.
This film, done in many countries, gives the floor to many scientists. It simply explains the causes of epidemics.
The film will be followed by a debate with the director, Marie Monique Robin, the scientific advisor Serge Morand member of the High Panel of Experts of the WHO, Laetitia Sieffert member of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Antoine Flahault of the Geneva Health Forum.
This evening is organized by the Global Health Alliance and the "Taking care together" Festival.
For more information: https://ghf2022.org/fr/la-fabrique-des-pandemies
To watch the trailer: https://vimeo.com/657027601
HIFA profile: Eric Comte is Executive Director, Geneva Health Forum, External Affairs Directorate, Geneva University Hospitals. eric.comte AT unige.ch