Dear HIFA and CHIFA colleagues,
The message below is forwarded from our colleagues at CORE Group
Good day, colleagues!
We invite you to Save the Date and attend an important CORE Group member consultation with USAID, Bureau of Global Health and MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership (MCGL) ahead of the "Acting on the Call: Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths" that will be held in March 2023.
This virtual pre-event consultative meeting will be held tomorrow Wednesday, January 25, 2023, from 1:00 PM EST- 2:00 PM EST.
CORE Group has been involved with the "Acting on the Call" events over the past 10 years, and we look forward to celebrating this important event with you. Please share with your colleagues within your organization and country teams to join this consultative meeting where you will share your voice and give your input as we plan for the anniversary event.
The agenda for this consultative meeting is
• Welcome from CORE Group- Lisa Hilmi, CORE Group
• Introduction from USAID MCHN Leadership - Nancy Lowenthal, USAID
• Presentation on event objectives and themes, a preview of planned speakers, and overview of invitation list- Katherine Bunting, MOMENTUM MCGL
• Feedback and Q&A session- Katherine Bunting, MOMENTUM MCGL
Please be sure to mark your calendars and join the meeting using the Zoom credentials below.
Join Zoom Meeting link
Meeting ID: 871 7398 0695
Passcode: 089122
Looking forward to interacting with you at the meeting!
Best wishes,
CORE Group
Join HIFA:
Join CHIFA (child health and rights):
Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator
Healthcare Information For All
Global Healthcare Information Network
Working in Official Relations with the World Health Organization
20,000 members, 400 supporting organisations, 180 countries, 6 forums, 4 languages